The Controller® - Driver Hand Braking
The Controller® - Driver Hand Braking is a portable hand control designed for drivers with specific mobility challenges. It features a padded hand grip, swivel joint, and c-clamp brake brace that attaches to your vehicle's brake arm in seconds.
Conditions like peripheral neuropathy, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, spasticity or leg and ankle injuries, can significantly affect driving and confidence.
Adaptive driving equipment, specifically to compensate for the loss of accurate lower extremity control are often recommended if there is still potential for continued driving. If you can operate the accelerator with one foot but struggle to reach the brake, The Controller® - Driver Hand Braking provides a solution to get you back on the road safely.
Manage driving when burning and tingling sensations of the lower extremities inhibit your ability to operate a vehicle. The most common solution to make driving easier is to install a hand control that attaches to the vehicle's brake pedal. Many hand control systems are not only expensive, but permanently installed in one vehicle. What will you do when you want to rent a car or have multiple vehicles you prefer to drive?
Crafted from lightweight yet durable aluminum and stainless steel, The Controller® features a clear rubberized coating to protect your vehicle's interior.